Provim Kft. won a sustainability award

Provim Kft. won a sustainability award

This year Schneider Electric rewarded its Hungarian partners for their sustainability endeavors and results for the first time. The company's Sustainability Impact Award competition total five Hungarian companies were recognized and the main prize was won by our member company, Provim Kft.

Our sustainability endeavor received huge recognition. Provim Kft. won the main prize of the Schneider Sustainability Impact Award in the „Impact to my company” category according to the decision of the international jury.

Schneider Electric, a multinational company leading in the field of energy management and industrial automation solutions declared last summer that it would announce a competition titled Sustainability Impact Award. The objective of the initiative is to reward its partners who are in the vanguard of implementation of sustainability endeavors. Companies could submit their applications in two main categories; the partners in the vanguard of their own decarbonization in the „Impact to my company” category and those supporting also their customers in reduction of their carbon dioxide emission were recognized in the „Impact to customers” category.

"All competition works received were amazingly substantial and it was a joy to know so many good initiatives and action plans. We consider our mission to assist our partners and customers in achieving sustainability and energy efficiency and we would like to achieve that everybody together with us could make the most as much as possible from the energy available to us, forming so a bridge between development and sustainability, for everybody. This is why we consider important to organize this competition and this is why I'm so glad that our partners submitted such high-standard competition works" - said Zsolt Veres, the country director of Schneider Electric at the award giving ceremony.

Provim winning the main prize in the "Impact to my company" category still highlights the issue of energy saving and decarbonization. Their future plan is to continue the reduction of energy costs through such experimental projects as mini solar power plants installed temporarily at their sites, digitalization of documents or installation of global energy monitoring solutions and harmonic filters.

"The prize is not only a recognition but also a responsibility for continuing our way started in the field of sustainability. The jury appreciated the sustainability strategy set up last year and the smart climate protection and energy efficiency goals, the campaigns already implemented and the KÉSZ Next attitude forming campaign, too." - said Tamás Vida, CEO of KÉSZ Group.

In the course of the factory visit after the award giving ceremony, the participants could have an insight also in the operation of CEElog smart logistic and innovation center in Szigetszentmiklós. The Innovation HUB established on the logistic base provides an opportunity for introduction of the most modern energy management, building automation and warehousing solutions.