Training, education

KÉSZ Group pays special attention to sustainable operation and the future generation.

Among our social goals, growing succession in the construction economy sector has significant importance. In the recent years we’ve established training sites that might serve an example for others, also we have set up an overall, renewed vocational training system, achieving outstanding results in the sector's vocational training.

The vocational training activity performed in Szeged, Kecskemét and Budapest is the responsibility of the experts and trainers of EDUPARK Nonprofit Kft.

EDUPARK Nonprofit Kft.
Sectoral Image Center (ÁKK)

KÉSZ Holding - KÉSZ Építő - MTY

  • Szeged
  • Kecskemét

KÉSZ Ipari Gyártó Kft.
Corporate Training Center (VKK)

  • Kecskemét

Knowledge Building Team (ÁKK) Tudásépítő
Nonprofit Zrt. (ÁKK)

Bayer Construct - KÉSZ Holding - Market Zrt.

  • Budapest

Member Institution of GFE Technical and Vocational Training School

Strategic cooperation between KÉSZ Holding - Gál Ferenc University

  • Szeged

The dual training implemented by us is an excellent opportunity for participants to acquire the knowledge and work experience necessary for their profession not only in modern apprentice workshops but also in a real productive, value creation environment. In order to ensure long-term employability and flexibility on the labor market, we support the participants in preparation for choosing their workplace in a conscious way, in preparation for an expectable change of profession and job, independent learning and the methods of continuous self-education required during their career. Besides, we consider critically important that the students leaving our school are ready for digital transformation of the industry and the challenges thereof. 

Training, education

We are particularly proud of our vocational training results achieved in the recent years: 

vocational training of 350 students and 180 adults

in the school-year of 2022/2023

Dual training in 5 sectors

Engineering, building service engineering, construction industry, electronics and electrical engineering, specialized machine and vehicle production

student satisfaction

over 85%

35 prominent corporate partners

in dual training

51% further study proportion

51% of our school-leavers continue studies and 39% of them enter into employment (22% with KÉSZ Group).

Our objective is that our vocational training units become an educational excellence center with wide national and international partner relations.

We intend to achieve that the acceptance of the sector and vocational training improves among young people and more and more people choose the construction economy and build a successful career in this field.