K-ARTS Foundation

KÉSZ Group has been committed to support culture and arts for several decades. In continuance of traditions, in 2017 we established K-ARTS Art Foundation, the mission of which is to popularize domestic contemporary fine arts - working with steel and other industrial materials - both in Hungary and abroad.  

The Foundation has set up a considerable contemporary fine arts and industrial arts collection by now. Currently it attends and owns more than 500 works of art presented to the audience in exhibitions and events. This continuously developing contemporary collection consists mostly of metal sculptures, installations, as well as graphics, photos and paintings. Among the authors there are not only well-known Hungarian artists but also emerging foreign sculptors. 


The Foundation's tasks include industrial activities of fine and industrial arts and assistance of the authors of the design applied. As a result of this work, K-ARTS has organized metal art creative camps in the territory of KÉSZ Industrial and Innovation Park (Steel Sculpture and Fine Arts Symposium in Kecskemét, international metal art creative camp). It organizes regularly exhibitions of the works made there and its exhibitions are invited many times. KÉSZ Group provides not only the area and space for the work of the artists working there but our specialists, e.g. welding, locksmith and painting employees may also join the creative processes, and we assist the birth of works of arts by the basic materials and equipment necessary for the works.


K-ARTS is simultaneously the creative industrial partner of KÉSZ Group: it implements the individual conceptions of investors and designers in cooperation with artists and interior designers. In the recent years it contributed to the creation of various sculptural works and works of industrial art, installations and other design elements. Such include, among others the ""Love Győr"" letter sculpture, the portraits of the football icons in Vasas SC's Illovszky Rudolf Stadium, the rowing sports steel sculpture made for the National Kayak, Canoe and Rowing Olympic Center or the Public Art bronze sculpture at Széll Kálmán square. 

I love Győr

Till now we could present K-ARTS Arts Collection consisting of paintings, graphics, photos, steel sculptures and other works of arts in more than forty exhibitions. For example, in the beginning of 2022, in association with ""Metszéspont"" contemporary fine art exhibition, a special installation was made for the 40th anniversary of KÉSZ Group. 40 steel disks of 460 kg each bearing the handprints of KÉSZ Group's employees and released from our steel structure manufacturing plant were placed in Deák square in Kecskemét, arranged in the form of a hexagon.