The reconstructed Szent Mihály Church shines

The reconstructed Szent Mihály Church shines

The rehabilitation of the Szent Mihály Church in Kolozsvár has been completed and it was sanctified on 13 August.

The reconstruction works of the church began in 2018 and were carried out by the Romanian subsidiary of KÉSZ Group based the designs of M&M Design.

The Szent Mihály Church is the most significant religious facility of Kolozsvár that has played a central role in the town's religious and intellectual life since the Middle Ages and has a prominent role in whole Transylvania.

As soon as the reconstruction works lasting for four years were completed, the church was sanctified on 13 August and the event was attended, in addition to Gergely Kovács archbishop, also by Mihály Varga, together with the other representatives of KÉSZ Group.

Ragyog a felújított Szent Mihály-templom

Szent Mihály Church is the second largest gothic building of Transylvania and today's Romania. It is the scene of numerous historical events: Queen Izabella abdicated the throne of Hungary within these walls. Zsigmond Báthory was crowned as a prince, and Zsigmond Rákóczi, Gábor Báthory and Gábor Bethlen were elected to be rulers in this place.

The rehabilitation works of the church included reconstruction of the facade, restoration of the stones, functional changes in the liturgical space, restoration works, interventions in supporting structures, demolition of old wood stairs and construction of new steel structure stairs, roof structure interventions and cladding, reconstruction of arches and black of vaults.