The prizes of annual safety competition were handed over

The prizes of annual safety competition were handed over

We reward the teams of various projects in the framework of the safety competition not only each month but also on an annual basis. It's no difference this year either, the prizes were handed over by László Szalados and Zoltán Légrády. Below you can find some assembly of the results. Congratulations to the teams for the results achieved.

The absolute winner of the safety competitionin category I was the project team of PILLAR Office Building managed by Ferenc Gilicz. This project has reached the highest average (92) per cent in its category during the period under review and the PILLAR Office Building project won a safety competition four times during 12 months.

Examining further the other index numbers of the projects in category I, considerable efforts were made also during construction of the ZalaZone project. In the period under review the project was announced as winner three times and the percentage rate of the project was 90, so they provided an outstanding performance in the field of accident prevention.

The most successful participant in category II was the project team of the Budapest Athletics Stadium within the competence of Péter Sörös and Gábor Boda. The winning project team won the safety competition four times in the period under review and this project reached the highest percentage rate (93 per cent) in the small project  Átadtuk az éves munkavédelmi verseny díjait

The results of the projects in category II resulted in a close competition since the SK Iváncsa steel structure installation project managed also by Péter Sörös and Gábor Boda won the safety competition three times and the percentage average of the project (92 per cent) lagged behind that of the winner with insignificant difference. We congratulate also to them and trust that endurance of the team members will remain unbroken.

The prize of the winning project teams is a team building program of their choice in a total value of 1 million forints. Congratulations to the teams!