Research-development, innovation
Innovation is highly important for KÉSZ Group, mostly because our objective is to fill a leading role in the industry among others in the field of digitalization and BIM-based operation, and the underlying innovative way of thinking is indispensable for this. IQ Kecskemét Kft. is engaged in particular in research and development within the strategic partner network of the Group. It was established in 2015 in order to promote the engineering innovation activity of KÉSZ Group, as an open intellectual and technological center, however, it was a part of the daily life of the Group through innovation from 2021. The center accommodates educational, service, development and manufacturing fields. It supports industrial novelties, innovation initiatives, from the birth of an idea until its placing on the market. IQ Kecskemét Kft. is in possession of modern designing and modeling software and devices and equipment supporting prototyping and product development. It strengthens the development activities and assists the training and further training process by modern infrastructure.
The innovation center of IQ Kecskemét Kft. is a really multidisciplinary workshop, the main task of which is to inspire and support new ideas. The innovator community also takes part in implementation of this. The main task of the community is innovation project management, and its primary objective is to create the so-called innovation ecosystem, which coordinates innovation initiatives as a complex cooperation system organized partly from below and partly from above. In addition to its maintenance and operation, the innovator community is responsible for technical, environmental, economic evaluation of the ideas received from outside the organization, the assessment of the possibility of integration and then for support of the implementation.
IQ Kecskemét Kft. is responsible for continuous education, in addition to the coordination of the innovation activities of the Group, the continuous support and building of the innovator community, and for maintaining various encouraging and assisting programs. The company is able to provide assistance in the whole innovation process, from contacting and technical feasibility to business analysis, decision support, implementation and finally follow-up.
It is on a firm ground in the field of disruptive technologies and has achieved significant results in several areas. Such results include, e.g. the implementation of AR/VR developments that are serious milestones even individually and are able to raise manufacturing and construction works to the next level and to overtake rivals.
IQ Kecskemét Kft. lays a special emphasis also on the support of initiatives that offer not only one solution from the numerous other ones but also it implements market-forming innovations.