Construction industry: Hungarian large companies joined forces for succession training

Construction industry: Hungarian large companies joined forces for succession training

Three large Hungarian companies intend to help in labor shortage: they joined forces uniquely in the industry and established such a training center in which students can learn and acquire up-to-date, marketable knowledge in more than 10 construction professions. The Tudásépítő-Team Ágazati Képzőközpont (Knowledge-Team Sectoral Training Center) was established by Bayer Construct Zrt., KÉSZ Group and Market Építő Zrt. and their long-term objective is to enhance the recognition of construction professions and to make construction industry attractive for young people. Obviously, the number of students in vocational training is continuously diminishing. If this trend does not turn, the future growth prospects of the industry might be endangered by labor shortage. The training sessions of Tudásépítő have been attended till now by ca. 300 students and from September 100 new persons will start studying.

In the construction industry a unique initiative was started to liquidate labor shortage. Three significant industry operators, Bayer Construct Zrt., KÉSZ Group and Market Építő Zrt. have joined their forces in the industry and established a dual training site from own resources. The objective of Tudásépítő-Team Ágazati Képzőközpont Nonprofit Zrt. is to assist succession training and to enhance the recognition of the professions of the sector - turned out at its official opening ceremony.

Skills shortage may increase
Shortage of skills is a serious problem in the industry. According to the official data, in the recent 10 years the number of students in full-time vocational training decreased by 170 thousand that means a 31% decline compared to the previous one. While in 1990 76% of the secondary school students learned a profession, in 2020 only slightly more than half - 51% - of them selected this path. Between 2018-2020 ca. 4,700 persons (in the school system 1,500 persons) acquired a specifically construction-related profession on an annual average, however, there are training sessions in which the number of students has drastically fallen for years, e.g. in 2018 614 students finished while in 2020 only 433 students finished as a bricklayer.If this trend does not change, further increase of skills shortage can be expected in the future.

“In Hungary the labor shortage existing for a long time at several levels - both in respect of skilled, graduated and manual employees - represents a continuous challenge in the construction industry. The reason for shortage of skilled labor is - among others - the continuous increase in the number of young people studying a construction profession and the low prestige of the construction professions. Permanent skills shortage might cause serious problems on the long run, among others it might extend the duration of the various construction projects and might restrict the constant growth of the industry” - said Áron Tóth, CEO of Tudásépítő-Team.

Students are awaited for 12 professions
Tudásépítő-Team, which received the first students in September 2022, was established in order to improve the situation. Since then, total 270 persons participated and is participating in the education organized by the sectoral training center. From September 2023 100 additional students are expected to join the training, moreover, preparation of adult training is also in progress. The students may select vocational or technician training, according to their school qualification acquired previously or in progress, from among 12 different construction professions. Vocational training lasts for 3 years and those enrolling for technician training may participate in a 5-year course simultaneously with preparation for final examination.

Vocational training is conducted in a dual training system in close cooperation with vocational training centers and their educational institutions. According to the “Vocational training 4.1” strategy established in 2020, the domestic vocational training and adult training system was renewed. In the framework of the dual vocational training system, companies and enterprises may launch own but state-recognized vocational training sessions. In addition to the state training materials, students can receive up-to-date knowledge from the specialists employed by Tudásépítő-Team and the own trainers of the initiative. Owing to this, they may appear on the labor market as specialists with marketable knowledge.