Steel Lion

Bim.Group colleague receives Steel Lion Pangolin special prize

This year's Consteel Steel Lion competition once again featured some exceptional entries. The strategic partner of KÉSZ Group, bim.GROUP, entered the contest with the Alba Arena project and took home the special prize of the competition, the Pangolin. Dávid Lewandowski entered and won the contest with the Alba Arena project, a static model built parametrically during production design. The trophy was handed over during a ceremony. Other members of the parametric design team were Ákos Szabó, who was responsible for the geometry, Gergő Horváth, who did the parametric modelling of Tekla, and András Jancsa, who was the parametric engineer of the envelope for the facility.

"The Alba Arena project was an extraordinary demonstration of the potential of Consteel software and Pangolin. It’s a pioneering technology that enables the parametric design of large-scale structures with complex geometry through the Grasshopper system. The Pangolin Award is an extraordinary recognition for me and for bim.GROUP, as it is a positive feedback on the quality of our work and, moreover, we were able to showcase our skills on an international stage,” said Dávid Lewandowski, steel structure engineer.

Congratulations again to the colleagues of bim.GROUP! 

Steel Lion